Thursday 10 April 2008

Chemo sucks

Not feeling so good today. I feel really tired like I am totally drained of energy. I'm not really in pain although my jaw aches slightly and I can't find a comfortable position anywhere. I feel tired but don't want to sleep and I hate napping during the day anyway as it messes me up and I get a fuzzy head!

I have managed to get down to Becky's to feed the cats today, Sainsbury's to get some groceries in and the man has come to fix our toilet which is brilliant! It was leaking when it flushed (from the clean water pipe) and making our bathroom a wetroom.

Ugh! I just wish I was better. It's days like this when I feel as though I will always be like this and I can't remember what it is like to have energy. When I walk around I feel like an old lady, I just shuffle along. It's weird having people look at you when you go out. I know what they're thinking - she's got cancer. But I am not going to try and pretend everything is OK and that I feel normal or can do normal things because I'm NOT NORMAL!!

I'm going to go back to playing games on the Playstation or maybe listening to some music. I am drinking gallons of orange squash today as I have that horrible metallic taste in my mouth.

I'm still pretty annoyed about our financial situation, especially when I remember that my friend who just had a baby is better off than me as she has full maternity pay for, I don't know, but a hell of a lot longer than me. Plus she gets benefits which I don't get until all my sick pay has been used up.

Okay, enough moaning now.



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