Monday, 2 June 2008

I haven't forgotten you all

Hello everyone,

Sorry not have blogged sooner but things have been manic! I had my last lot of chemo on May 16 and am having the next one on Friday. In between times I've taken my chemo pills for two weeks and now am at the end of my 'two weeks off'. This means that I have had no pills to take and no treatments and I feel NORMAL!!!!!

My time has been spent seeing people (of course) and also getting back to work (which is where I am now). I worked almost a whole week last week and managed to do some 7.5 hour days like a normal person. Granted I am sitting in the office and spending an inordinate amount of time talking to people but I have been getting some things done and generally feeling useful again. The scariest thought is that it is not really THAT long before I have to go back to work normally! :( It's nice going in to work and everyone hugs and kisses you - somehow I don't think that will be happening when I go back!

Other than that I have been getting excited about all the things growing on the allotment - the potatoes look particularly good and will be coming up soon as they are an early crop, we can start harvesting the spinach and we have planted tomatoes and broccoli (a gift from my mum's garden). The slugs are at the runner beans as are the blackfly but we'll get rid of them! There is lots of weeding to be done too as the weather has been wet recently and although the plants love it, unfortunately so do the weeds. The definition of a weed is only a plant that we haven't found a use for yet! (I don't know who said that)

The spinach when it started coming up

A potato plant

In other news, Dora the cat is getting bigger, has been spayed and is now allowed out a bit more freely. She has calmed down a bit and become quite an affectionate cat which means no more scratching thank goodness!

Ophelia will be moving out of the flat next Monday to move up to London as she now works up there and it is more convenient. That means I'll officially be living with a boy!!!! (Cue quote from Monica in Friends!)

There's not really much else to report. I have managed to do some social stuff which has been lovely. Financially being back at work is great as it means I can stave off going on benefits for a while. Plus some people have been EXTREMELY generous in paying for Ash and I to go out, paying for things we need or just giving us cash. It is HUGLEY appreciated and not forgotten easily.

Here is a pic of Dora being cute (for once!)

Sorry if you have emailed me recently and I haven't got back to you yet - I will try and get round to it soon!

Lots of love to you all
Liz, Ash and Dora
PS Here are some blog stats for the geekier blog readers:
Countries reading the blog = 13
Cities reading the blog = 107
Number of unique visitors = 267
Number of visits = 994

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered."-- Ralph Waldo Emerson